Monday, June 11, 2007

A Really Great Article

When people ask me questions about how Brian and I are doing, this often comes with a glance at my left hand. I find this tendency somewhat annoying, but understandable. After all, even in our society, the practice of living together and happily in a perfectly wonderful relationship for long periods of time without getting engaged is still somewhat rare.

What does annoy me is when girls (sometimes people I hardly know) continue this discussion by asking what kind of engagement ring I want. I sometimes have difficulty expressing why, exactly, these conversations offend me. Well, this article did a very good job putting into words why thoughts of diamonds and expensive engagements make me so furious. I have known for a large portion of my life that any man who would give me a diamond is no one I would ever want to marry, but it's always good to know more facts on the subject.

Disclaimer: I am not saying that everyone who wears a diamond ring is deluded as to the quality and meaning of their commitment. I know of many valid relationships in which a diamond is involved.

As usual, I believe strongly in my opinions, but perfectly respect anyone else's right to reject them.

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