Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Ebay Makes Me Nervous

Those finals moments of an auction are just intense... even when no one is bidding against you.

The good news, I acquired some brake levers on ebay for $5. They have white hoods, and will look good on my bike, I think.

The bad news, I did not win a great deal on a Surly Pacer for Brian. Oh well.

Today, during my weekly dose of horse therapy, Jasper continued his fairly intimate relationship with the back pocket of my jeans, and I got to know a quarterhorse/morgan named Billy. He is pretty chill. At one point a student dropped a ball and it rolled under his feet and he kicked it several times and it bounced into his other feet. He didn't care. None of them are bothered by things like that. They are amazingly spook-free animals. And, whenever I go into a pasture, they all come walking to me, and half of them try to slip out the gate behind whichever horse I'm bringing in. A large, striking paint went so far as to kick a gate I closed on him. He wanted to hang out with everyone in the barn that badly.

At least they're obviously well taken care of...


That Squirrel said...

I totally agree...a friend of mine was addicted to ebay and she was a nervous wreck - she would shiver and twitch when the deadline approached! It was insane!

Robin said...

Yeah, I don't think I could handle an ebay habit. It's good for odd bike parts, but getting addicted would be hard on my heart. =)