Saturday, June 16, 2007

Fun at the Mall

Let me reassure you all, I've not had a drastic shift in personal identity/societal values. However, today Brian and I rode our bikes to the mall, watched Shrek the Third, spent a few brief but fulfilling moments in one of those silly photo booths (which, for the record, neither of us had ever been in before, at all, ever), and then rode our bikes home. It was great fun.

Below, we have the same tale, told in photos:

First, we look at each other, unsure how to start. Next, I initiate with a demure peck on the cheek.

Brian responds and a lovely kiss ensues. Finally, we spend a moment contemplating how very alluring we are as the camera snaps its final shot.

Did I mention there was accidentally a little bit of port involved in this outing?

Just a little...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good grief!

a lurid act of heterosexuality!

