Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Heavy Bag

I put my new brake levers on my fuji yesterday. They are a vast improvement as far as comfortable gripping is concerned. Yesterday, as I rode my bike up the hill from the co-op with two full gallon jugs of water, a bottle of wine, two pounds of dinner meat, an avocado and a cucumber in my backpack, I was quite pleased with the new amount of squishy leverage the little white-hooded dears afforded me - although it never ceases to amaze me how much steeper those hills seem with a 20+ pound load.

My entire weekend (Sunday and Monday, that is) went into the labor intensive task of sewing my bridesmaid's dress for Autumns wedding. After investing much sweat, a little blood and thankfully no tears (yet), it's almost wearable (needs a hem and a few minor sizing adjustments).

And Friday Brian and I will take to the skies and fly home for a visit.

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