Monday, July 30, 2007

An Interactive Entry

Today while I was joining frames at work, my boss walked in. This does not always happen on Mondays, as the gallery is technically closed. Anyway, I said hello to Nick, he asked me a few questions about some orders from last week, and then he said, "So, since I'm going to be out of town later this week I'm thinking maybe I'll just have you work Thursday, Friday and Saturday."

Basically, this means that instead of working my normal 25ish hours strung out over five days, I'll work my normal 25ish hours in three. Most importantly, I'll get Tuesday and Wednesday entirely off.

What am I going to do with this unbroken time on my hands? At first, I didn't know, but as I mulled over my options, it came to me. I'm going to finish my novel. And since I feel an utterly absurd but undeniably strong urge to add a little poll widget thingie to my blog, I'm asking you, dear reader, if you believe I can do it or not.

So, can I write 17,355 words in two days? Leave your opinion over to the upper right.


Anonymous said...

I totally voted "With time to spare." You can do it!


Robin said...

Thanks Judith!