Monday, July 09, 2007


Well, we're finally back in Iowa City. It was a pretty fun trip, although the end was hectic and exhausting. The wedding was great though. I've rarely seen two people I feel are so perfect for each other.

So, here I sit typing with henna'd hands and a sore back. We battled jet lag to get out of bed in Chicago this morning, drove 3+ hours to Iowa City and then Brian and I were each at work until 8 pm. We are now both very, very tired.

It rained lightly this afternoon. The corn is tall and tasseled in the fields. The large trees in our backyard shade the house with their leaves. The landscape here is so different from the one in Tucson it seems impossible we can travel so quickly between them. Also, it's odd that returning to Iowa is starting to feel like coming home, too. I guess that's something to be grateful for - to have home on both ends of my trip.

I'll post photos of the wedding and the new horse and the new kitten soon.

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