So, yeah, it's a little dark and dirty down there, but I'm pretty happy about it, nonetheless. Unfortunately, I've still got some wrinkles to iron out:
A Sampling of My Thoughts While Screen-Printing in My Basement Today
Oh. Oops. I forgot about that.
And that.
Why do they have to put these stupid foil and plastic seals on everything?
Mmm. I missed the smell of ink. Is that bad? No. It's perfectly normal.
Hmm. Not really the color I was going for. Maybe some more blue.
No. Blue doesn't help.
Whatever, it's a nice color, now that I look more closely.
And, I forgot about that too.
It's okay. I know what I'm doing. Not only have I done this before, I have a piece of paper from a University saying I have earned a degree in printmaking. I'm good to go.
Okay, that worked. Mostly. Do they do that when the ink is too thin or thick. Is my ink too thick?
That was a little better.
Wow. Things don't dry nearly as quickly here as they do in Arizona.
Okay. I'm done with three. Really? Only three. Oh, good. Number four is over there.
Why do I always forget to do that?
I'm thirsty.
I'm so glad these inks aren't toxic.
I forgot to wear my apron. I hope I don't get ink on this shirt. Now I will for sure, because I realized I don't want to. Damn.
I'm not sure about this new fangled screen design.
Am I old enough to call something "new fangled?"
I wonder if things dry enough slower here for me to go get a drink without the ink drying in my screen.
Better not risk it.
I'm out of table space . Would it be bad to start putting these on the floor?
Well, I'm done. Look at my beautiful prints. I'll put the perfect ones in this pile, and the not so perfect ones in this pile. Well, my first time printing at home anyone would expect the perfect pile to be smaller. I mean, at least there are some prints in that pile. Some, as in three. Still, I only printed twelve to begin with. That's not a terrible percentage. But that color. Wow. At least, I can always print over it. As long as this registration method that's actually for lithography works the way I think it will for silk screen...
I have a degree in this? Really? A degree?
Even if they're not perfect, this is so cool. I just printed in my basement. Which means I can now print whenever I want to, except for when I'm... Oh no. What time is it? I've gotta get to work.
Wow! It is amazing that you could track your thoughts the way you did!
And good go at the printmaking... You have to have a degree in it, eh?
Well, one doesn't "have to" have a degree. Really, sometimes I wonder why I got one...
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