Monday, May 21, 2007


Brian and I went to Grinnell yesterday to see my dear and wonderful friend Sukha, who is attending a cousin's graduation. We took along my camera and a number of addresses my mother gave us. Below, we have a view of the road as seen via my sunglasses and Brian.

The first place to check out was the house my mother grew up in. She spent most of her childhood here. This is the house from the front . It's hard to see due to the trees, which were planted by her family.

I took a photo of Stan out front, just to prove we were there.

A slightly different view of the front:

As we went around the side we noticed someone working in the garage. To avoid uncomfortable questions, we left at that point.

A little view of the street.

Next, we went to the house Mom's family lived in the first year after they moved to Grinnell. It is now a functioning part of the University.

This is the front of the house.

The sign on the door informing us about the house's significance as a part of the University.

Next, we randomly dropped in on the parent's of one of Mom's closest childhood friends. They were extremely happy to see us. We hung out and chatted for quite a while and at the end there were hugs all around. Even after I asked them to pose for a photo.

Then we went to hang out with Sukha. It was great to see him, although it did add a whole new dimension to the surreal sense I sometimes get that no, really, I'm not in Iowa. Why would I be in Iowa?

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