Saturday, May 12, 2007

Happiness is a Horse

Today I got to handle some horses - not ride, mind you, but brush, smell, tack up, lead around, untack, and otherwise do everything I normally do with horses other than ride. It was heavenly. I don't pretend to understand why contact with horses is so absolutely necessary for my sanity and happiness. But... it is.

Last night Brian and I rode with another Brian, Kim, and Jim out to North Liberty for Mexican food and margaritas. This was great fun. Luckily for me, my sudden lack of town bike meant I had to ride my titus. These people are fast, so while they all rode heavy single speed cruisers, I had tons of gears and the sleek quickness of my carbon fiber road bike under me. This enabled me to keep up. Not ride them all into the ground. Oh no. Just keep up.

A silver lining, I suppose.

1 comment:

That Squirrel said...

I know exactly what you mean! I've always wanted a horse and would beg my family for one while I was little. But we don't have horses in my part of the country (too hot or something!). So everytime I came across those pony rides at the seaside or wherever, I'd jump at the chance to be on a horse!