Monday, June 02, 2008

Friends With Benefits

I've been stretching whenever I think of it lately - pseudo yoga type routines crammed in quickly here and there to help my back heal from the bucking episode and also in an effort to get rid of the ongoing plantar fasciitis issue in my right leg. But this morning I had a little more time and decided to do a light version of a proper yoga workout. I haven't done that since before my life was hugely (but gloriously) disrupted by my new status as horse owner.

So, for about half an hour I contorted myself around on the office floor, and I discovered a few astonishing things. As I said, I haven't done any serious yoga for a while. I also haven't been riding my bike any more than usual, doing calisthenics before bed, or anything like that. And yet, as soon as I got to some of the more demanding bits of my routine, I noticed my balance has improved dramatically and my ability to hold core-strengthening poses (I have always considered my abs the weak link in my muscular chain) vastly increased. Also, my plantar fascia causes me only marginal discomfort, even in the deep stretches (it still twitches a good deal though).

Of course, it all made perfect sense as soon as I stopped to think about it. In giving Steen a thorough workout 5 days a week this last month, I've been giving myself a bit of one too. As an unexpected bonus, the downward thrust of my heel when my foot is in the stirrup is identical to the stretch I'm supposed to do all the time to help the plantar fasciitis. I've been doing all sorts of healthy things for myself without even meaning to. I suppose that's really the greatest thing about riding a horse. It feels a good deal more like hanging out with a friend than consciously maintaining a healthy body, but if you do it enough it produces the same results.

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