Saturday, June 28, 2008

Wind Power

Fortunately, the flood waters are going down. Last week was a rainy week, but it didn't make anything worse than it already was. Today it is just windy. So windy, in fact, that I played a game on my way back in from the stable called "how much can Robin use her tailwind instead of her gas pedal on the drive home without actually dipping below the speed limit." I enjoyed the game, and was quite astonished by the long periods of time I could go along with my car out of gear, rolling up and down hills. One or two cars behind me seemed not to enjoy the came quite as much as I did. But like I said, I never went below the speed limit, so in my view they had no right to get fussy with me.

1 comment:

That Squirrel said...

Sounds like fun! :) It's been ages, how have you been?