Monday, March 09, 2009

Taking our Time

This morning we woke up in the darkness, our alarm theoretically going off the same time as usual, but in reality we had one less hour of sleep under our belts. Now we are yawning a lot, sipping our coffee and staring into the blackness out the window. Why? Because daylight savings time just turned off again. My mind doesn't object to the theory of this practice, but it hurts my body a little. My body is telling me it's not time to get up yet, silly.

Our house-hunt has continued with a great deal of earnestness and effort on our part and not a lot of cooperation from the Iowa City housing market. We have yet to find an adorable home in the handful of neighborhoods where we want to live that will both suit our needs and keep us out of a large, unrealistic mortgage. But that's really ok, because buying a house will be a much easier thing after we are officially married.

And the wedding in less than a week away. On Thursday we will touch down in Tucson. A couple days after that, we will tie the knot.


Erica said...

I hate daylight savings time, always have. I am so tired today it's not even funny (well, maybe for others...but not for me).

Just out of curiosity, have you guys been approved for a home loan yet?

Robin said...

I don't like the time change either. Everybody agrees consistent sleep patterns are so important, and yet we do this twice a year?

On the home-loan, yeah, we got approved right when started looking (why waste the energy if you can't get the loan?) Brian and I are lucky - no debt of any kind and tremendously good credit, so the banks are more than happy to take us on.