Friday, October 24, 2008

Visiting and Visited

We are back from our brief dash back to AZ with my brother in tow. Although Brian and I have both had to abandon him for work daily, he seems be bearing up fairly well. We have so far spent our evenings relaxing and drinking Oktoberfest, which is pretty hard to beat. He also came out to the barn and got a number of really great photos of Steen, which are viewable on my other blog.

Winter appears to be setting in here with more earnest since our return. We have had days in the 40's and chill, drizzly rain. Not the most ideal weather under any circumstances. I'll be glad when the rain turns to snow, so at least we can ski.

In work news, I unframed an original Rembrandt intaglio print yesterday from the 1620's. That was unbelievable/nerve-wracking. I really need to start keeping a list of famous artworks that I handle. So far I know I've got Durer, Rivera, Pollack, Warhol, and now Rembrandt, but there were a few other famous pieces I worked on at the museum that I've forgotten. Still, not a bad start.


Anonymous said...

>>>I unframed an original Rembrandt intaglio print yesterday from the 1620's

Holy shit!


Liz said...

Your questions are posted. :-)

Anonymous said...

This comment is to report that your brother did indeed survive the ordeal of drinking Oktoberfest (multiple varieties), riding horses and bikes, resurrecting the world's finest game, and hitting the highlights of the Windy City's museums. He also rode a lot of trains in the process, which made him quite happy.

He sends his best.