Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Kids These Days

On Monday I ended up having a brief conversation with a 19-year-old boy. Clearly, this person thinks of himself as an adult, yet I could not quite take him seriously as he regaled me with tales that highlighted his bull-riding prowess and talent for drinking his friends under the table. I feel I'd have found myself similarly torn between amusement and discomfort had I been approached by a five-year-old proud of his ability to draw whiskers on people's faces with an eyeliner pencil and burp the alphabet. I spent the conversation hoping to avoid any demonstrations, and wanting to say, "I've no doubt you're awfully cool, but these just aren't skills that I value."


Bungz said...

LOL! I guess the real mark of adulthood is when you look at pseudo adults and roll your eyes...

Robin said...

Yeah, it is funny that college kids seem so young now... I'm still in denial that I'm grown up!