Sunday, August 03, 2008

Weekend Delights

I must say I had a glorious weekend. I worked all day Friday, and then came home to a lovely evening hanging out with Brian and neglecting to eat any real dinner. Saturday, we got up at a reasonable hour and then hung around drinking coffee for quite a while. Brian went to volunteer at the Iowa state road race, and I went to the stable where I had my greatest ride on Steen to date. I came home and shortly thereafter went in to work to set up my boss's new computer - very fun (I actually do mean this sincerely). After that I hung out with Brian a little more, once more neglected to eat a real dinner and then the two of us went back to the stable to hang out for one of the other girls who boards there's birthday. That was entertaining and enjoyable.

Last night a storm knocked out the power in our house for half the night, and since I can't sleep without a fan on, that means I was awake for half the night. Today, I recovered from this awful circumstance by doing next to nothing other than cleaning all the personal software and files off of Brian's old laptop to sell on ebay, and digging my old racer-x frame out of the basement to also sell on ebay.

Tonight, Brian and I actually did cook a good dinner, and played some scrabble and had some more quality hanging out time. Currently, I'm ready to go to bed early, wake up, and take on the week.

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