Sunday, July 27, 2008

July, July!

I feel like the whole month more or less dashed off when my back was turned. Between the trip home, the wedding, house-sitting and then recovering from it all, life has felt a little too much like just going through the motions to suit me. I am used to getting very tired around 10:00 pm, but I'm not used to dragging myself out of bed only with difficulty well after 7:00, many mornings in a row. That is what happened all last week, and my tiredness even persisted through many of the days, making me drag along through work, and have difficulty motivating to leave the house when not entirely necessary.

However, so far this weekend has been just what the doctor ordered, and I'm feeling much better. Yesterday we managed to catch up on laundry and other exciting things around the house. This morning I turned my attention to the fact that I left my old faithful 256 MB jump-drive in Tucson. Mom offered to ship it out to me, but I declined, saying it might be time for me to upgrade anyway. This morning I took a peek at, a great site for finding really amazing offers and anything remotely nerdy. I found a 4 GB USB flash drive for $13.99, free shipping. Now, admittedly I hadn't shopped for a USB flash memory device for many, many years, but this price blows me away, nevertheless. 4 gigs is huge. And $14 is really not a lot of money.

So, I placed my order and now I'm kind of excited for it to get here.

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