Sunday, November 04, 2007

I Really Am A Nerd At Heart

I have to say, ever since Vitzy's conversion to a mostly commercial website (a morph it's been undergoing slowly for the last couple of years), I've felt my previous happy-go-lucky approach to elaborating and maintaining my own website slowly give up and make way for the things that actually earn me some income. Recently, I made an attempt to inject a little more of my former playful style into the Vitzy's website - but it is hard. When I'm sitting with a client, looking at my own website and trying to explain to them how we're going to start his or hers, it's not useful to try to get side-tracked by anything at all unusual.

This, coupled with the problem that some of my client's are utterly incapable of typing the word "vitzys" without two or three scrambled letters, (causing sometimes time-sensitive emails to go astray) finally prompted my to think about another domain.

I've known for years that robinstephen dot com is owned and relentlessly occupied by a Realtor in Virginia. But robinstephen dot net? Not taken.

It is now.

One little purchase and I simultaneously opened the doors to a world of mundane email addresses that my clients can type, and a whole new playground for my creative efforts. This weekend I beefed up my knowledge of javascript and added it to my semi-new and highly liberating discovery of .png images, and .... well. Go see for yourself.


Anonymous said...


Very funny, Robin.

You _know_ they're still going to screw up the spelling, right?



Robin said...

Shhh. You're ruining all my careful justifications.
