Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Every time I walk past a window today, I do a double-take. Funny, I have gotten so used to seeing a ground covered in white, seeing soil and dead grass throws me off.

We've had a few days in the 50's, a few nights that haven't frozen. Today we're forecast to reach 63. I must admit that, on a rational level, I am not all that pleased with this turn of events. We cannot expect real, consistent warmth until late March at the earliest, and several solid months of soggy spring doesn't appeal to my lifestyle much. I'd rather it stay frozen (which means a clean horse and the possibility of skiing) until just a few weeks before summer is good and ready to come and dry everything out until next fall.

However, we all know there are a lot of levels beyond the rational one. My mind can say, "Yeah, you don't fool me, winter. I know this isn't the end," all it wants. I still feel a stirring in my blood when I step outside. I can't help but breath deeply and savor the dampness is the air. Yesterday I was driving around in a t-shirt with the windows down - singing and feeling somehow woken up. Steen is already starting to shed.

Spring is such an all-encompassing, primeval thing. It's hard not to feel it in your bones.


Erica said...

My horses are starting to shed too, even though I keep telling them we could still get snow for another month or so. I also totally feel more alive when the weather starts to get nice.

Anonymous said...

>>>>We've had a few days in the 50's. Today we're forecast to reach 63. I must admit that, on a rational level, I am not all that pleased with this turn of events.

What a great opening for a time travel story, Mrs. Cleaver!



Robin said...

Erica: Yeah, I keep telling Steen he's being duped. Which he is. We might get snow today.

Sal: Haha. Maybe I'll save that line for my next great novel. ;)

Erica said...

Heh, yeah. We've been getting snow on and off all week, and yet the shedding continues.