Sunday, January 25, 2009

Getting Professional

Something I designed is available for sale on amazon. Trippy...

Although I must admit, after over 12 hours of working on our wedding invitations today, I'm feeling rather sick of designing things and more than a little battered.

Kind of like the first envelope of the day.

The one we tested the printer with...

... multiple times...

(names and addresses obscured to protect identities)


Erica said...

My brother did his own wedding invitations too. He said, in the end, that with the time and cost they spent making them, it would have really been cheaper just to have someone else do it.

There is something to be said for having them exactly how you want them tho, and for that you usually do need to do them yourself.

Robin said...

Yeah, it is true that it's a pain, but I can't really say the same thing - to hire someone to do them how I wanted would have costs three or four times as much. So I guess it was worth it.