Friday, November 10, 2006

Injustice (in a frivolous sense)

I think my least favorite manifestation of male-female gender types illustrates itself in jackets. When men buy a jacket, they have two exterior pockets and at least half a dozen inner, hidden pockets. When women buy a jacket, they are lucky to get two exterior ones. Who's to say we don't want to tuck things away into clever little hiding places now and then?

That's my random rant for the day.

I am back from Iowa, again. I failed miserably in the endeavor of taking more pictures this visit. Fortunately, I will have plenty of time for taking pictures once I live there.

That was my last visit to Iowa. Which means I've got only the rest of November and December and a very small portion of January until I'm calling the midwest home sweet home. This is a little hard to fathom.

Meryl is down for the weekend, altho not yet out of bed. This means we'll get to have some great horseback rides.

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