Saturday, December 12, 2009

First Ski

This week we've had snow, and although I've done plenty of walking through it, today was the first day I went out and skied upon it. This afternoon, Brian and I headed up to the U of I cross-country course to ski around on the groomed paths.

It was a pretty good first ski for me. My lovely husband had thoroughly waxed my skis, so they were nice and slick. The snow cover was good. The course was well-traveled. I had a fun time and actually felt quite solid despite not having been on skis for so many months.

Although I am not nearly as fast as Brian, I am excited to get out there again in the near future.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Jealous! (Me. I'm jealous. Of the camera and the skiing.) :-) Brian looks like quite the skier!