Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Almost Frosty

Late last week a huge late-fall storm rolled in and blew all the pretty leaves off the maple in our neighbor's yard. This has done a lot to change the feel of the study. It's looking increasingly wintry out the window.

I find myself actually looking forward to the next season this year. I am anticipating skiing again, and even the glacial simplicity of winter rides at the barn hold a certain appeal. I kind of enjoy the change to fluffy horse-hair and bareback rides, and working on little, refined things that won't cause Steen to break a sweat.

A few weeks ago I went to the Orthoptics Clinic due to the eye-problems I was having, and when the doctor stepped out for a few moments I chatted with the resident. She told me she had just moved to Iowa City and was already certain the winter would be horrible. I gave her my advice - get out in the cold, do something in it to get your blood pumping, and you will adjust. She looked at me with great skepticism and said, "I'm an indoor girl."

What can you do for these people?

1 comment:

Amoreaus said...

Pat them on the back and say "good luck in Iowa." lol. Miss ya babe.