Tuesday, December 09, 2008


You know how sometimes you wake up to an alarm in the dark out of a deep sleep and irrationally think, "It must be Saturday," but then the love of your life sits up and groans, "It's Tuesday," and Tuesday means you have to clean five stalls, toss several bales of hay off a stack of hay that's three times as tall as you are, carry four flakes into each stall, fill up 16 buckets with water, lead 14 horses into a barn over icy ground... and also yesterday you had a tetanus shot in your right arm so now that hurts all the way to your fingertips when you move, and really you just want to snuggle back into your warm bed until you can wake up on Saturday for real?

1 comment:

Erica said...

Heh, I have the opposite problem. I wake up on weekends thinking it's a weekday, and am then confused by all the traffic and number of people at the barn.