Today Brian went to the stable with me. He and I and Steen all took a little time trying to get to know one another. Steen, while sweet, hasn't been ridden much for the last four years and tied even less, so we are working on things like how to stand quietly while being groomed, and trying to get some muscle tone back on him by longing him. So far, so good. Even better, he and Brian seem to like each other.
Here are a couple photos Brian snapped:

Grats. Looks like a pretty boy.
Main reason I mentioned gas/hay prices is that hay has almost doubled since the whole "oil crisis" thing started. Previous to that it tended to bounce up and down, but went up maybe a dollar in 6 years. I'm just amazed/dismayed at how expensive it's getting.
Good luck with everything.
Yeah, I know hay has gone up a lot. One good thing about living in the midwest though - the stable where I keep him and the stable where I work both grow their own hay on their surrounding land, so although higher gas prices will affect them some as far as running the mowers, etc., not nearly as much as if the hay came from somewhere across the country.
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