The second listing expired and so did my interest in the matter. Two months passed. A couple days ago I came across my old computer whilst digging for something in the closet. I posted a new listing. Two people emailed asking questions and didn't reply to my reply. Today, a third wrote. She said, "call me if it is still available."
Half an hour later, my faithful old computer was gone and I was left holding a check and feeling a little bit like I hadn't prepared emotionally for the parting. I develop a rather personalized relationship with my inanimate objects and although I have bonded to my new machine, I won't forget the old.
Then, to take my mind off things, Brian and I decided to install the weather station I got him for our anniversary. The results of our efforts are pretty exciting. Off the side of our house, passersby will now see this:

...and sends the info to this other little doodah...

...which adds its measurement of the temperature and then wirelessly broadcasts the combined data to our station inside...

...which then includes info about our inside temperature and forecast to the mix. So, just as long as the Richard William clan doesn't make war upon our new plastic devices and ravage them using their sharp little squirrel teeth (Eponine sure did love chewing wires, but perhaps it was a rat thing), we now don't even need to look out the window to figure out what's going on right outside our door. Of course, we do enjoy looking out the windows, and have many large windows that are great for looking out of. In fact, it would take significant effort on our part to avoid looking out of windows. Still, the point is, we don't have to.
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