My long-suffering, overlarge, stuffed bear, Peanut, is having a rather rougher time of it than usual lately. I've been in the process of making shades for the study for a couple of weeks now (if someone ever says to you, "Oh yeah, making Roman Shades is quick, easy and cheap," do not believe them). I've needed somewhere to store my partially constructed pieces throughout the process. The corners of the dining room decorative molding work nicely.

In spite of quite a few glitches and diversions, I am nearing the end of my endeavors. I am certain this would have been easier had I followed a pattern or done anything more than skim a few different versions of instructions before starting...
Still, making the shades has been a mostly enjoyable experience, and my first ever wifeish project since actually becoming a wife. Now that one is hung and the other is over halfway finished, I'm feeling pretty good about the whole thing. I thought I'd publish some simultaneous before and after shots of the window with one new blind, and one old.

The shades will usually be up, since the sun rarely comes into the study, and when there is no sun, there is no reason to block off this window.

It can get rather hot up here in the afternoon, though, so we need some way to block out passive solar heat accumulation. This how the new blind will look when closed.
1 comment:
Looks good!
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