Lately Brian and I find ourselves second-guessing our decision to buy a home - mainly because everything we like sells for over asking price in a matter of hours after going on the market. Since a lot of our motivation to move came from the presumption we could get a good deal on a house right now, discovering that we cannot has cooled our jets. So, we'll probably wait for the fall to see if the market here in Iowa City (apparently the only place in the world that hasn't gotten the "we're in a recession" memo) will cool off.
Knowing we're not on the brink of leaving this house behind anymore has spurred us into some home-improvement projects. We have plans to construct a hanging wine-glass rack for the kitchen, we added a new shelf in the pantry,
(the new shelf is the one holding the nuts)
and biggest of all, we came to a realization. If you've ever asked yourself the question, "What is the only thing uglier than an old piece of press-board furniture?" you know the answer is "four mismatched pieces of old press-board furniture."
Our bedroom, while cozy, is sort of ugly. We don't want to go to the trouble or expense of buying new furnishings, so we decided to try to do what we could employing the lovely art of the veneer.
So, this is what our bedroom looks like now:
(note the three different chest-of-drawer styles)
This is the fourth (previously silver) mismatched piece - a book-case not in the photo above. This is how it looks after two coats of primer, the second applied just this morning:

We will keep you updated as the project continues.
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