Into those two days, who knows what we shall pack? We do have a new steed in the stable. Brian finally has a town bike. The Kuwahara and the Fuji were predestined to be best friends. Perhaps because they both have only one gear, or because they both came from Japan? Who can say where the affinity comes from... Our first little spin on the two together was truly beautiful. Today, the final touches arrived, in the shape of the orange grips and new pedals. I'm growing quite fond of these little bike-refurbishing projects.

I also had a good ride on my Modena this week, which was nice because it's been a long time since I rode a bike solely for the purpose of riding a bike. When I stepped out the back door on the mansion on Wednesday though, I knew I had to spend as much of the evening outside as possible. The weather was just too beautiful to waste. A road ride seemed the best way to meet this end, so Brian showed me a nice loop north of town. We had a glorious spin about, and then came home for a glorious pizza.
Fencing has been a great deal of fun so far, too, though a tad humbling. First of all, there is a multitude of small, forgotten but suddenly remarkably noticeable muscles in my body that are not at all used to fencing anymore. Also, there are a number of people on the team and coaching the team who've been fencing for longer than I've been alive. Sometimes I dart in for a sure kill only to realize it's me that's been killed, not them. Not them at all. In fact, they somehow managed to hit me and not get hit by my ferocious attack - all by only moving about two inches.
Still, it's good to be doing something that earns me some sore muscles again.
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