Today, I implemented my long plotted surreptitious recycling program at work.
Part of my job is to go in on Monday when the gallery is closed, unpack all the frames that arrived the previous week in (on average) 2 to10 cardboard boxes, join the frames, and haul all the boxes and packing paper to the dumpster outside.
There is no recycling dumpster on the premises.
Ever since my first day of work, when the girl who was training me explained how she was "really into recycling" and so used off-cuts from backing sheets to make small pieces of paper for phone messages, but then cheerfully showed me how to haul the weekly boxes to the dumpster, the system at work has bothered me. However, I have hesitated doing anything about it. I am a mere hourly employee and Nick has owned and operated the business for over 15 years. What right do I have to show up and start telling him to change?
Still, each week as I thought about how easily and beneficially cardboard and paper can be recycled, my conscience burned.
So, finally, I formed a plot. I will recycle, but I won't tell. Although I usually bike to work, on Mondays I will drive. While unpacking, I will sort cardboard and paper into piles. At the end of the day, I will take the cardboard and paper to my car and drive it to the free recycling facility that is less than a mile away. In this way, I won't have to bring up a delicate issue with my boss, but won't have that guilt around either.
Today, I finally moved undetected into the sphere of those who inhabit the dim ranks of the underground recyclers. Today, I said, "I will do my part!" - only in a voice too quiet for anyone to hear. Today, I did not show the world what I believe in, but I made a little difference anyway.
Besides, honestly, I'm sure Nick would be supportive if he knew. But, well... I'm shy and silly about some things. =)