So, I lost all motivation to have anything to do with a computer for quite some time. This may seem odd coming from someone who makes a partial living off of a computer and will (and regularly does) spend hours tinkering with code not just to make it work, but to make it work the best way it can. But, the truth is sometimes I'm sick to death of the sight of a keyboard and monitor and will go for days without even pressing a power button.
That's what happened the last couple weeks. And not just while I was on spring break, but even when I got back. I'd walk into the office, look at my desktop. Waver. Think about all the emails I undoubtedly needed to answer. Then I would just walk on by.
Spring break was undoubtedly a factor. We got to Tucson and I rode, rode, rode. I knew I was missing the horses but I didn't know how much until I was out there alone (not a house, road, or power-line in sight) in the middle of the sun-blasted desert, bareback on Tommy and running as fast as a little mustang can go. There's nothing quite like that feeling anywhere else in the world. I have decided my most immediate goal for my current life in Iowa is to find a way to ride horses. My sanity requires it.
Beyond the horses, it was great to see my family and friends. The trip to Flagstaff was lovely. The wedding was a drunken gala (although potentially only for the four of us that went in our car).
Now I'm back in Iowa. The first thing that happened upon my return is I got a stomach flu. That was bad. Suffice it to say I do not like the stomach flu. That is all.
I have worked at The Mansion almost 40 hours this week and have small glass cuts all over my hands again. I've already learned more in a month working with Nick than I learned in the year and a half I framed at the museum. I have decided to consider this an apprenticeship (and thus make my psychological peace with my somewhat low hourly wage).
It's been rainy here, but there are little purple flowers blooming in the back yard.
And that gets us up to date.