Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Since I'm the only one who will sit still long enough for me to mess with the unfamiliar settings on my new toy...

Monday, December 25, 2006

I do love Christmas Morning

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

In spite of appearances...

... finishing my degree will not amount to finishing my blog. Certainly, it's highly debatable whether or not a thing such as a blog could ever be finished. Anyway, I just didn't have much to say for a while.

We had snow flurries here today. And I attempted to accomplish a lot of Christmas shopping online but succeeded only in wasting a lot of time. Then I watched a very long movie I had already seen more than once. A good day. The kind of day that only comes along with a certain lack of stress.

Oh yes, and I got a new phone. It's a flip phone - black and silver like my road bike. I did not pick it out, or have anything to do with acquiring it. It was literally just handed to me. To be fair, it's not a cool phone. It's merely new.

Then I went through and moved all my contacts from my old phone to my new phone. I did not transfer a lot of them. And I still have eighty-two entries in my new phone. Who are these people? I certainly don't have eighty-two people I call on a regular basis. But there they are, in my phone. Important enough that I fear if I delete their number I might one day want to call them again.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


That's what I finally did today. Finished my degrees. It's an odd thing, to know I'll only ever go to school again if I get into grad school.

Immediately after I submitted my last art history test, I cleaned my room. It feels good to sit in space that's not in total disarray.

Jesse arrives in a few hours. Friday I go to Flagstaff again, briefly. Saturday, Meryl and I come back. Two weeks from tomorrow, Brian will arrive. A week or two after that, we'll drive back to Iowa.

In the meantime, I intend to relax.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Most of My Stuff is On it's Way to Iowa

Life seems bent on making me absurd lately. I doubt too many people in their mid-twenties prepare for the movers to come by hauling various bins and pieces of furniture across a wash using a very much rusted out little red wagon. Perhaps the pinnacle of my day was when I was transporting Peanut on top of a set of folding shelves. Going down the slope behind my house, the wagon gained a little too much momentum. I tried to slow it down. The shelving unit slipped off the side, creating a nice smooth ramp that Peanut descended gracefully to land face down in the wash.

And, for the record, I don't see any more landscape paintings in my future.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Today's Moment

While lying halfway inside the trunk of a Honda Civic, it occurred to me that only a cartoon character could reasonably hope to accomplish what I was attempting. I must have looked like the Grinch stealing Christmas. But I got the tree home, anyway.